Why am i S0 Damn Tired On CARNIVORE? The TRUTH you. need to know

Incorporate Healing Music Into Your Day: 3 Easy Tips

Are you wondering about how to incorporate healing music into your day? Good news!

Why Does My Diet Not Work?

In 1990 I decided to become vegetarian. Well to be accurate Pescetarian – I continued to eat some fish and shell fish. My reasons were mostly because I had become more and more uncomfortable about cooking and eating meat and I disliked the whole idea of killing animals. I also had become very active in the new age movement at the time and the environmental cost of meat production simply did not make sense. It wasn’t long before even the thought of eating meat was distasteful and I have never been tempted to eat meat since.

Fitness Beginners 101: How to Stay Motivated

For all those of us, who love to work out, progress is an essential ingredient of keeping ourselves full of energy and keen on pushing it to the limit. However, there’s often a slight misconception in what progress actually is, especially with fitness beginners, who only measure their progress by what they see in the mirror. Quite often though, they tend to start the ”mirror staring” in the first week or two, before they’ve actually built up any kind of stamina, strength or metabolism boost. Naturally, it’s close to impossible to get visible results so quickly, so what happens next sounds a bit like ”I did everything, I followed my diet and did all the exercise, why don’t I see results? This is pointless!” Sounds familiar? Read on and you’ll never have these doubts about your fitness gains again!

Aloe Vera: Miraculous Plant Offering Several Health Benefits

Aloe Vera – the plant of immortality has been used since ages for medicinal and healing purposes. It is a short plant, just 2 to 3 feet in height. The leaves of this plant are rich in water and contain several other nutrients like minerals, vitamins, acids, salts and antioxidants.

How To Select The Right Hospital For Your Treatment

In an emergency, your life depends on getting to the nearest hospital. But when you have an option to plan ahead, selecting the right hospital for your treatment makes all the difference. It not only gives you the confidence that you are in good hands, but also makes your stay at the hospital worth it. The best hospitals have the best of everything.

All You Need To Know About Transplant Surgery

Organ transplant surgery includes removal of the diseased organ from the body and replacing it with a healthy one. This is a life saving procedure that gives the recipient a new lease of life. Organ transplant is a major surgery and has its own risks and drawbacks.

Chiropractic Manipulation: What You Need to Know

Unless you’ve been happily (or unhappily) living under a rock or in a cave for a while, you’ve at least heard the phrase “chiropractic manipulation.” You probably wondered what it was about and did a search online or asked someone you know for information. There is some confusion out there about what chiropractic manipulation is, so we’ll clear that up and then talk about the benefits it can bring.

Ramadan Fasting

Ramadan is a beautiful expression of our desire to show Allah our dedication to self improve through an effort of discipline. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad suggests to us, in Book 1, that: “It is better for your health, however, to eat one meal after dark.” In addition, He states in Book 2: ” WHEN we abstain from food for so short a time as for early morning until after sundown and darkness begins to appear – we cannot call this is a FAST, for we are eating the same way that we have always been eating (one meal in that day). IT is no FAST to me and my followers to eat a meal after sundown. We cannot call it a FAST!” For those of us in the Nation of Islam, who follow the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Min. Louis Farrakhan, let’s dedicate this month of Ramadan to improving our discipline to 1 meal per day. 30 days of eating proper foods with 15 hours of no food or water can be challenging but also extremely rewarding.

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