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5 Tips For Picking The Best Urgent Care Center In Maui

Every year over 2 million visitors from all over the world travel to the beautiful island of Maui for a variety of reasons, from romantic honeymoons to enjoying adventure sports on the land and in the water, to sampling Pacific Rim cuisine and Polynesian culture. Whatever brings you to Maui, visitors do sometimes wind up with minor injuries such as a jellyfish sting, coral scrape, strains and sprains, sunburn, rashes, or an allergic reaction to unfamiliar foods, like mangos. In fact, the Hawaii Health Association noted that between 2008-2012, 30% of all of all injury-related hospitalizations were from visitors to the state. With the average visitor stay in Maui being eight nights, picking the right urgent care center should you become ill or injured can not only help you get the care you need, it can also help you save your vacation. Here are five tips on picking the best urgent care center on Maui.

Be Your Own Health Care Professional

I grew up in an age when rural Saskatchewan doctors made house calls. They also did hospital rounds and ran a clinic. They usually knew their patients well because they delivered many of them.

Importance of Prenatal Classes for the Family

Birthing is the natural happenings for every woman in the world. Though they are common, no women will hesitate when she get conceive. Her care and the responsibility rate remains the same for all the births.

Types of Winder Caps for Kids

This piece talks about the different types of winter caps for kids. It describes a few caps elaborating on their benefits and uses.

Avoiding Overuse Injuries When Working Out

Regular physical activity is the mainstay of a healthy body and a balanced mind. In fact, regular exercise helps people not only maintain a healthy weight and build strong muscles and bones, but it also supports two important body systems: the immune system and nervous system, which includes the brain. However, too much of a good thing can sometimes be a bad thing.

Facts About Good and Bad Body Posture

Our posture is the result of the communication between the brain and the muscles and limbs. A good posture is maintained when the natural curves of the spinal column are maintained.

Germs and Your Child

As a parent we are constantly bombarded by germs. Our kids pick up the flu, a stomach bug, or an upper respiratory infection quicker than they pick up proper grammar.

Why & How to Use the New Modifier CR

To facilitate claims processing for disaster victims, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has create a new modifier CR (Catastrophe/disaster related) that you can use if you ever need to code services for patients affected by catastrophe/disaster. This article will familiarize you with modifier coding guidelines and get you key pointers on when, where and why you should use this disaster modifier.

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