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Lifestyle Impacts The Length of Telomeres of Chromosomes

Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes. They have been allegorized commonly as the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces, which are likely to get frayed without them. Similarly, without telomeres DNA strands become damaged. They are actually disposable protective buffers blocking the ends of the chromosomes. They are consumed during cell division but are replenished by an enzyme – the telomerase reverse transcriptase.

How to Compare MRO Services

You will want to compare MRO services third-party administrator to another. This will make it easier for you to determine who you will work with. If a medical review officer isn’t able to provide you with quality services, or enough services, it’s only going to cause more work for you.

4 Benefits to Random Drug Testing

There are an array of benefits to obtaining random drug testing on your employees. It is an affordable means of finding out whether your employees are following the rules or not. Scheduling drug testing in the workplace may be easier than you think, and it can be done at random.

7 Easy Ways to Find FCRA Background Checks

When you need FCRA background checks, you want to find out how to get quality ones you can rely on. It’s going to be much easier to work with a third-party then it will be to try and do everything on your own. It may provide you with access to more information, and allow you to focus on other aspects of human resources.


Five Tips to Find a DOT Consortium for Your Company

You need to learn a lot about you employees. You may not have to time or the ability to do everything on your own. By using a DOT consortium, you can maintain a significant amount of compliancy.

When to Conduct DFW Drug Testing

There are all sorts of different times as to when you should conduct DFW drug testing. Knowing when will make it easier for you to strengthen your testing program. It will also allow you to learn more about your employees, even before you bring them on board.

Why DOT Drug Testing Should Be Done Sporadically

It’s important to conduct DOT drug testing. While you want to make sure that it is getting done, it is actually better to do it sporadically as opposed to on a set schedule. You can then be sure that it’s done, but in such a way that employees won’t know when they will be called for the test.

5 Things to Look for in a Medical Review Officer

When you decide to work with a medical review officer, there are quite a few things to look for. This will ensure you can access as many services as possible. Not all officers provide the same level of service.

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