Tone It Up – 45 Minute Burner with Dalia

Microdermabrasion Treatments for Men

Microdermabrasion treatments for men can help men to combat the signs of aging, and to reverse some damages they have from acne, and other skin disorders. Before you decide to have any type of treatment performed, including microdermabrasion treatments for men, you should know everything that you are getting into.

Three Solutions for Summer Sweat

It has been said that ladies do not sweat they merely glisten, but whomever made that statement never endured the high humidity temperatures of the Deep South. When August rolls around everyone sweats if they venture out of doors.

Simple Strategies to Change Your Habits

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” – Mahatma Gandhi. A large proportion of our daily actions are habits: routines that we’ve formed over a lifetime. It’s estimated that about 40% of people’s daily activities are habits.

Benefits of Salt

There’s a lot of information about the dangers of salt. Is it an evil rock or does it have a positive side?

Confessions Of A Pharmaceutical Sales Representative!

Prescription drugs are one of the biggest killers. Some 180,000 Americans have died each year through legal prescribed drugs… Learn why a former sales representitive left because of the industry’s moneyed interests and neglect to genuine welfare concern…

MTHFR Genotyping: Are You Methylating Properly?

Are you methylating adequately? Are your genes preventing proper methylation? Inadequate methylation can be the cause of depression, migraines, heart attacks, strokes, infertility, miscarriages, birth defects, cancer and even autism. In people with diabetes, improper methylation can worsen symptoms of diabetic neuropathy or make treatment regimens less effective.

Simple, But Savvy Moves for Heart Health

This month it’s all about hearts, love and adding a little TLC to your everyday life. February is American Heart Month. The month is dedicated to driving awareness around heart disease, or cardiovascular disease (CVD). These are the leading causes of many health-related issues that can not only affect your ability to work, but impact your overall quality of life.

The Lip Power

The exterior of the lips is formed by a layer of skin and the interior by a layer of mucous membrane. Between these two layers is the main muscle for the lips known as Orbicularis oris and blood vessels meant for the lips, some nerves,areolar tissue, fat.

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