The Huge Health Benefits From Fasting And Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy – William P, Steve H

Multi Pronged Attack Of Covid-19 On The Human Body

Pandemic Covid-19 attack on humanity is universal. initially thought that this virus attacks only lungs causing breathing problems and fever. Recent evidence presents evidence that it could affect all other areas detrimentally. The details are given in the body. Makes us wonder what a nasty virus it is to do such a large damage to most of the essential functions of the body. Gradual decline of normal function appears.

The Importance of Blue Light Glasses for Kids

We are surrounded by blue light no matter where we go. This is the light that gives the blue color to the sky. The same light is emitted by the screens of the mobile phones and tablets when your kid plays his favorite games.

How Can Life’s Inconveniences Work for You?

Life can sometimes get in our way. The question is how we handle it. This article explores one scenario and two approaches to dealing with it.

Do Face Masks Really Help Protect You From Viral Infections?

Most people have this question on their minds because of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Do antiviral face masks keep your healthy? In this article, we are going to answer this question from different perspectives.

What Is A Thermometer?

Thermometer is a type of instrument that you can use to measure your body temperature. You may have seen this device in hospitals where nurses and doctors use them for measuring patients’ body temperatures. Apart from this, they are also used to measure food, water and air temperatures.

Tips to Enhance Body Immunity

In the wake of Covid-19 pandemic, the people have been taking the required precautions like the use of mask, social distancing, minimal personal interactions, etc. Despite the observance of these measures, it is quite important that one should possess good immunity to fight the new Corona virus infection and other illnesses.

Essence of Wellness

Aravind Shiyaraman In the article why fitness is the essence of overall wellness, author Aravind Shiyaraman begins by talking about what real fitness. He states that achieving fitness is actually not that difficult. And you can’t judge the fitness of a person by looking at someone.

Vesco Pharma Collagen C 1000

Vesco Pharma Collagen C 1000 can help you reduce those scars and repair your skin so you can get a youthful complexion. This injection is a powerful mixture of vitamin C and collagen extract. These instructions are administered Intra-muscularly (IM) or Intravenous (IV) for the nourishment of your skin. Each box contains 10 ampules of the injections, and each 5 ml ampule contains 1000mg of Vitamin C and 1000mg of collagen extract. Let’s find out how this injection can help you repair your skin and hit other skin whitening goals.

Addressing Our Worldwide Issues With Mother Nature

Global warming, environmental pollution, the ruthless extinction of precious animals and life-giving plants, exploding populations, food shortages and climate changes are worldwide global issues that we as humans and guardians of Mother Earth must solve. That can only happen when complacency is eliminated, responsibility is accepted and every one of us contributes towards returning nature’s balance and keeping it.

Our First Line of Health Defense Is Our Immunity

Our immune system is our body’s first line of defense against foreign invaders. Without it, our natural defense wouldn’t stand a chance against microorganisms such as fungus, viruses, parasites and bacteria. These pesky, health destroying intruders hide out everywhere and it is our immune system working around the clock that sets up protective barriers preventing them from entering our body.

Here Is What You Should Know About Beta-Glucans?

Beta-glucans refer to a type of polysaccharides, which are found in the cell walls of mushrooms like Maitake and Reishi. Apart from this, they occur naturally in algae, yeast, bacteria, and barley, to name a few. This type of fiber is soluble and offers a lot of health benefits.

The Ultimate Growth of Online Pharmacies

The rapid increase in online shopping gave rise to a new way of shopping for medicines known as an online pharmacy. An online pharmacy or E-Pharmacy is a pharmacy service that operates over the online mode. Just like any other shopping site, it provides medical products in just one click at your home.

The Many Health And Fitness Benefits Of Sports

If you are on this page, chances are that you are interested in finding out the health and fitness benefits of taking part in sports. If you want to take up a sport, you are reading the right article. As a matter of fact, if you take part in your favorite sport, you can enjoy a number of health and fitness benefits.

Sick Building Syndrome: Back to Basics

Today, Sick Building Syndrome is a reality, which can be quite expensive. In this article, we are going to take a look at the causes and impact of sick building syndrome. Apart from this, we will spell out why international leaders and entrepreneurs are taking this problem so seriously.

Successful Techniques and Point Losing KPI’s in Final Competitions of Karate World Championship 2016

All the ten final competitions of individual and team matches in Karate World Championship 2016 have been downloaded in HD quality. By the help of Kinovea video analysis software and Excel Microsoft Office 2013 the data of the matches has been recorded. The data collected provided information on the most predominant scoring technique and also point losing KPIs which can discriminates winners from losers. A total number of 345 scores and 222 point losing KPIs in the final competitions has been analyzed. The most frequently used technique was “Oi-Zuki”, which was totally 90 out of 345, and the most point losing KPI occurred when “Point Loser starts an attack” with 25 out of 222. As it is clear, there is a big shift from Gyaku-Zuki to Oi-Zuki and Kizami-Zuki in recent Karate World Championships which shows the increase in action and reaction speed among Karate fighters; for example, Kizami-Zuki travels a short distance to hit the target and it is used as a quick and sharp punch to keep someone from coming close to you. Furthermore, selection of wrong technique which is the third top among point losing KPIs is another clear evidence of speed increase in today’s Karate competitions.

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