The Fasting Revolution: Why One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Distancing – Gift or Burden

This past week I had the opportunity to listen to a presentation by Canadian financial expert Benjamin Tal. This, for me, was like finding the lost piece of a thousand-piece puzzle! He started by describing the world as being “frozen.

The Basics of Vape Pens

The functionality of a cigarette or pipe is quite easy to understand. All you need to do is light a cigarette and inhale the smoke it produces. On the other hand, a vape pen is somewhat mysterious.

6 Benefits of Vaping That You Can Enjoy

There is a difference of opinion about vaping. If you have been thinking about opting for a vaping pen, you are on the right page. In this article, we are going to talk about the benefits of vaping.

Coronavirus: The Efficacy of Antibody Tests

Researchers are hopeful that the Covid-19 antibody tests may help the UK control the pandemic. But the WHO has expressed doubts over the efficacy of the tests. The purpose of these antibody tests is to find out if someone has suffered the coronavirus.

Don’t Be Anxious, Afraid or Sad – Life Will Be Beautiful Again

My grandparents lived through the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, and my Grandmother gave birth to my Dad in 1919, in the middle of the chaos of that time. But life continued, and in fact became very good in the years after that terrible tragic time – so much so, that I consider my childhood one of the best that I could have possibly had!

Covid-19: Introduction, Symptoms and Prevention

Coronavirus, aka Covid-19, is on the list of infectious diseases. However, this is a new form of the virus and it has been discovered recently. The majority of people who get this virus suffer from mild or moderately severe symptoms.

5 Basics To Protect Your Health During A Pandemic

This year, 2020, will be remembered, unfortunately, as the year of this horrific pandemic, which has seen over 50 million worldwide cases, and over 10 million cases in the United States, as well as about a million deaths, throughout the world, and nearly 250, 000 fatalities, in this nation. Some articulate, a variety of inane concepts, and theories, including, herd immunity, pandemic – fatigue, or, it will all go away, by itself, etc, but, if we wish, to address this virus, and begin to reduce the public health risks, we need to take personal responsibility, to protect our health, and…

An Overview of Hepatitis B: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Hepatitis B is a liver infection that is quite serious and is caused by HBV or hepatitis virus. Hepatitis B can become chronic, lasting over six months. When it is chronic, the risk of liver failure, cirrhosis, or liver cancer is usually high.

Hepatitis C Viral Infection Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hepatitis C causes liver inflammation. The virus can cause serious damage to the liver. The infection is spread when one comes into contact with infected or contaminated blood.

What Is A Nebulizer Machine And How To Buy The Best One?

One of the things that every asthma patient knows and understands is that sometimes breathing does not come easy. Other than meds, there are a few things that can help in breathing correctly. One such thing is; nebulizer breathing therapy.

Hepatitis B: How It Is Different From Hepatitis C And How It Is Diagnosed?

Hepatitis is a liver disease in which the liver tissues get damaged either due to external factors like alcohol or viral infections. There are varying types of hepatitis, but hepatitis B and C stands to be the most common ones among them. Millions of people across the globe get infected with hepatitis C, and hepatitis B.

Hepatitis C: What Are the Various Stages of Infection, and What Are the Causes?

Hepatitis C is a liver infecting virus, which affects the liver’s proper functioning and causes fatal damages to it in later stages. Hepatitis C virus is a blood-borne virus, which means it is spread through blood and not by any other means. When infected blood comes in contact with healthy blood, the virus tends to find a new host.

”What Do You Do to Unplug and Engage?

How do you unplug, relax, and unwind? How do you recharge your battery? What makes you happy, makes you smile, and uplifts your spirit?

Just Running Doesn’t Get Your Legs Strong

Just running does not produce strong legs. The legs and your entire body need to be worked in different ways to get the full benefits and don’t end up with imbalances and over injuries.

Everything You Want to Know About MSHA Certification Safety Training

MSHA safety training helps contractors and miners identifying and minimizing exposure to hazards found at mines. The top local MSHA certification safety training includes miner’s responsibilities and rights, materials handling safety, electrical safety, hazard communication, confined spaces, first aid, and emergency procedures. The safety training for mining is available in two parts: MSHA Part 48 underground miner training and MSHA Part 46 surface miner training.

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