LEAKY GUT & HISTAMINE. What I’ve learned!!!!!

Can Your Fitness Tracker Work Against You?

Fitness trackers are all the rage right now, but there’s one aspect of fitness tracking most people never think about – the tracking part. Just like a cellphone or any other tracking device, a fitness tracker logs data related to your whereabouts (or past whereabouts). In other words, your fitness tracker could work against you!


Caregiver’s Self-Kindness: Finding What Works Best

Your can can get so busy that you forget about self-kindness. “I’ll do something for myself tomorrow,” you think to yourself. But tomorrow turns out to be busy, too, and before you know it, self-kindness has fallen by the wayside. How can you remedy this?

Eat Out, Eat Healthy and Lose Weight

Take a minute to listen to my top 3 dining out tricks so you can continue to eat out AND stick to your healthy eating plan. Also, I have a delicious SHRIMP SCAMPI RECIPE for you. This recipe is so easy and quick (15 minutes) you might just decide to stay home and cook dinner for your friends instead of eating out.

Calling All Men to Focus on Scoring Better Health

June recognizes a number of health-related dates. It is noted as Men’s Health Month and includes Men’s Health Week. Additionally there is also Wear Blue Day the color that is designated to raise awareness and educate men and women about the importance of men’s health. Whether it is a day, a week or the entire month, I want to encourage men to note and not ignore the signals their bodies may send that there is something out of order.

What Everyone Ought to Know About Poop

Poop may still not be a topic at the dinner table, preferably not. You should, though, pay attention and be aware of changes that occur to determine if long term your gut is in good health.

Mercer Infection – What It Is, Treatment and Prevention Ideas!

Right now there are some nasty bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Plus there are some really bad news when you use antibiotics. Discover some cool alternative medicine to take down these super bugs and how to prevent getting them.

10 Health Problems Caused by Computer Use and How to Win Them

Sedentary way of life spent in front of a computer screen causes many health problems. The welcome news is that anyone could perform preventive measures to get rid of the symptoms and avoid the diseases caused by prolonged sitting and computer screen glare.

How To Quickly Tighten And Tone Up A Flabby Stomach

The abdominal area is often one of the hardest parts of the body to tighten and tone. Most strength building activities that target this area are difficult and not very fun to do. Unfortunately, not only is a flabby waistline less than attractive, but it also puts you at far greater risk of heart disease and serious back issues. Following are a few, simple strategies for creating a smooth, flat and muscular belly.

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