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Speed Training Drills: How to Improve Your Speed

When a person wants to get in shape and improve their football game they need to learn how to be quick on their feet. Speed training drills can help a player get quick while still having control of the ball. A good football coach will include speed training in their football training drills. These speed drills will help a player become quick on their feet while still being in control. These can also be used for soccer training drills as well.

Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It?

A lot of debate is going on about the cord blood banking. Nowadays this field is being pursued nearly in all the developed countries that are doing a lot for the advancement of technology. Basically, cord blood is simply the blood obtained from the umbilical cord of the newly born baby. As far as the banking of that blood is concerned, it is stored in the blood bank for use in future.

Incorporating Fitness With Fun – Today’s Playground Equipment

When movement is concerned in children, it is absolutely vital that parents consider assimilating sports and complex exercise in playtime. The benefits of physically demanding exercise in children are near endless and they help to not only produce short term advantages (quicker bedtimes) but long term as well.

Novel Stem-Cell Procedure Saves A Boy’s Leg

Stem cells have opened so many gateways to personalized medicine that no one could ever imagine a few years back. Not only the traditional transplants, with stem cells, medical practitioners are now able to treat many rare conditions. Thanks to the researchers and their novel techniques, involving stem cells.

A Single Protein Can Boost Stem Cell Regeneration

Would you believe if we told you that stem cell regeneration can be boosted with a single protein? Wondering about the implications? It means you can recover from injuries faster. CIRM-funded scientists from the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center confirmed that hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which are responsible for generating cells in the blood and immune system, enact faster when the bone progenitor cells are injected, which are available in bone marrow.

GMO’s and Glyphosate, a Disastrous Marriage

It has long been known that pesticides and herbicides are toxic for human consumption. Although their use can increase crop production, they are damaging to our bodies, and even to crop plants when sprayed directly on them. In 1996, Monsanto began genetically modifying soybeans, corn, cotton, sugarbeets and other crops for resistance to the herbicide glyphosate, commonly known as Roundup. This allowed growers to spray the herbicide directly onto the entire field without damaging the crop. Unfortunately, this has resulted in crop plants filled with herbicide. Now, this toxin has silently creeped into almost every food product in our grocery store, ultimately damaging the delicate balance of bacteria that lie within our digestive systems.

A Miracle Formula To Lead A Healthy Life During Old Age

As Oprah Winfrey says, “there is one irrefutable law of the universe: We are each responsible for our own life.” If you are young and if you have great health, you cannot assume that this will continue for ever. Remember that age can take a toll on your health. No amount of sugarcoating can hide the harsh reality that aged people with poor heath may have to lead a hellish life. If you want to avoid such a situation in your life, you should first study the lives of those old people who have been leading a fulfilled and healthy life. This will help you realize that these successful and old people possess great life skills. This means that even while you are young, you must make all possible efforts for acquiring life skills so you can also lead a fulfilled and healthy life during your old age.

What Happens During A Routine Physical For Children?

Taking your child for regular routine physicals is crucial, especially during those first few years. These routine physicals, also known as well-child visits, allow your child’s pediatrician to ensure that your child’s growth and development are happening as expected and that there is no cause for concern.

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