It actually taste like Nutella! | Low Carb |Sugar free | Keto Friendly

Take a look at this texture: this is our homemade nutella with just four ingredients: hey guys, i’m myra from low carb love and today we’re making a homemade nutella, that’s low, carb tastes just like nutella, but without all the sugar, obviously to make our nutella.

The first thing we’re going to need are hazelnuts, so for those of you that don’t know, nutella is made from hazelnuts, so i got the big family pack i’ll leave it linked down in the description below.

So you guys know exactly which one i use. I just bought a value pack, because you do need a lot to make a little bit of the spread. So here we have, these are just raw hazelnuts, they’re, not roasted we’re going to roast them.

So that is the absolute first step, roasting your nuts, so we’re going to pour them onto so we have our baking sheet our parchment and we are going to pour our hazelnuts. It’S about two cups, just spread them and we’re going to put them right into our oven, so obviously just make sure that your oven is preheated to 350 degrees and we’re going to go ahead and put these in, for, i would say about 10 to 15 minutes And in between we’re just going to give them like a little shake, our hazelnuts are all done.

So this is what they’re going to look like right when they come out: they’re, nice and toasty you’re going to want to grab a kitchen towel clean kitchen towel. What we’re going to do is pour them right onto the towel they’re going to cool for a little and then i’m gonna show you how we peel them.

Now that all my hazelnuts are in here um, what i’m doing is just kind of like pinching off the skin. It’S really easy. Now, they’ve already cooled, and here let me show you what they’re going to look like.

So, as you can tell it just kind of comes right off almost like peeling them now, they’re, not all going to they’re, not all going to peel, which is totally fine. You just want the majority of them too, so you can see all the hazelnut skin.

We obviously need to separate that so we’re going to throw it into our colander and kind of shake it up. Okay, so we’re bringing our blender you’re going to make everything in your blender bowl, so we’re just going to go ahead and toss in our roasted hazelnuts, and now we have our unsweetened cocoa powder, i’m using dutch processed cocoa powder.

It’S my favorite i’ll leave it linked for you as well. Then we have our sweetener, so this is just some allelo sweetener that i will also link for you and we have our vanilla. So it’s just some vanilla.

Add that flavor and a little pinch of salt. I almost forgot i almost forgot: we do need a little bit of oil, so you can use coconut oil avocado oil, olive oil, like you, the oil that you typically use that you have on hand, is what you’re going to use so we’re just going to start Off by drizzling a little, you probably want to start off with like two tablespoons, okay, just about there and when we start blending – and we see the consistency, then we will see if we need to add a little bit more.

All right. Let’S go here. We come okay, so it looks very dry, so we do need to add a little bit more oil, just drizzling this little bad boy. That’S about another tablespoon, maybe a little bit more okay, so we’re gonna go ahead and scrape the sides.

Okay and we’re gonna give it another go. Oh, my goodness take a look at this texture. This is our homemade nutella with just four ingredients: okay, so let’s check on our bread. So we have warm gluten-free toast and we are gonna spread our homemade nutella.

Oh, my gosh guys look at the texture on this, so i don’t know about you, but i’ve always been a huge, huge fan of nutella but of course, going low-carb. That was like completely out of the question. So the fact that i’m able to make one that’s healthy and tastes just as good is like everything in life.

So here we go cheers. Oh, my gosh. Okay, i’m getting a ferrero rocher moment right now. It seriously tastes like i melted the chocolates on this toast. Well, this is going to be perfect, obviously on toast, but you can make pancakes crepes french toast even like on cookies or guys, i’m telling you by the spoonful so good.

You guys are going to love it. I can’t wait for you to try it. I’M gonna go ahead and leave the recipe in the description below. If you guys love this video make sure you hit the like button and don’t forget to share this recipe along with the channel with friends and family that are living a low, carb lifestyle or that you know are obsessed with nutella or ferrero rocher, because that’s exactly What this tastes, like you, guys thanks so much for being here.

I love you and i will see you on my next video

Source : Youtube

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