Grilled Shrimp with Asian Coconut Scallion Sauce

How Do Mobile Workstations Aid in Patient Engagement?

Strides made in patient engagement in recent years have taken place alongside innovations in healthcare technology such as mobile workstations. The use of technology in healthcare has given patients the desire to take a more active role in their health, and has also improved outcomes.

Would You Dare Swallow a Hair Strand, Even in Your Favorite Soup?

Sometimes you may find a strand of hair in your soup and just decide to overlook it and swallow it together with the soup. A single hair strand is not really dangerous as it is very small and the highest possibility is that it will just pass through the digestive tract. However, the hair poses a danger when it forms a clump, which would eventually form a giant hairball in your stomach necessitating the need to see a doctor. So, what happens when you swallow hair?

Understanding The Benefits And Challenges Of Physiotherapy

What is physiotherapy in layman understanding? It is a diagnostic treat used in treating injured muscles and joints of the patients; more so, it helps the elderly to repress chances of disability. In this piece of information, we are going to look into benefits as well as challenges inhibiting this exercise.

The 3 Cs of a Healthy Life

If you are ready to focus on losing weight and getting in shape, let’s address the 3 Cs of a healthy life which are Courage, Change, and Choices. An easy way to remember the 3 Cs of a healthy life is with this simple sentence: To develop a healthy life you need to have the courage to change the choices you face. Does that sound like something you’re up for? Let’s dive into each one of these topics to see just what they actually entail so you can have as much success on this often difficult endeavor.

This Reiki Principle And Becoming A Full Time Practitioner

“I earn my living honestly” and “Devote yourself to your work” are two interpretations of the Reiki Principles gifted to us by Mikao Usui. I took them literally and lived as an energy practitioner since. So, how do you do it?

Preparing For An Ostomy Emergency

You never know when you might have an ostomy emergency. Make sure you’re always prepared with these supplies.

Incontinence – What Can You Do?

Incontinence is occurring more and more and is often uncomfortable and embarrassing. However your practitioner can assist and there is much support if you know where to look. Incontinence is the involuntary leaking of urine.

Diagnostic Health Camps for Rural India

Diagnostic health camps are held throughout the country by various welfare organisations which offer free check-ups and distribute medicines inside them. They also offer referral services depending upon the extent of severity of the cases.

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