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Air Quality, Mold & Your Mitochondria

Nearly every home and office has some degree of indoor air pollution. Poor indoor air quality is widespread enough for the EPA to put out a statement recently placing poor indoor air quality in the top five major health threats we face today. That’s huge. More specifically, most homes and offices have mold and mold spores as part of the mix of pollutants. Mold is not only a very strong carcinogen, but the mycotoxins produced by mold spores cause a variety of health problems when mold spores are inhaled. And recently, many of those health problems are being found to be connected to how these mycotoxins damage the mitochondria in all of our cells. This makes getting rid of mold and filtering the air of primary importance if your goal is optimal health for yourself and your family.

Step Outside of Your Usual Rut

We all get into sulks and ruts. And this is especially the case for chronically-ill individuals who experience a lot of pain and fatigue all the time. Life just seems to carry on in a monotonous fashion, with nothing ever being different. One of the best ways to get out of the rut of the usual and monotonous is to take steps to change things up a bit. You may want to take on a new habit. Or, go out with a new friend for a while. Or, pick up the phone and call someone that you wouldn’t try before. When everything that we do is the same, our life can seem like a prison of sorts, where everything follows exactly the same patterns to the minute. In this article, I will show you how to do a few things to change things up for yourself:

Six Tips for Finding a New Physician

Finding a new physician doesn’t have to be the most difficult part of moving to a new town. Here are a few tips to help individuals find the right doctor.

Controls and Credibility Are Essential for Testing

The information gathered from clinical trials and clinical research is often used to help verify details and to help continue to move forward various concepts. The information can be used to conclude a product is too risky for humans to use due to the long-term effects. Other times, it can open up a new opportunity by verifying a product helps reduce symptoms and helps people.

Finding the Right Provider for Site Management Research and Testing

SMO clinical research is vital to the various pharmaceutical companies out there as well as many other businesses. The value they offer though can be compromised if you don’t have a great provider in place. Don’t pick one at random and don’t pick one based on them offering you the lowest price. You need to have safeguards in place and evaluate the reputation of such an entity.

Boobs and Why Men Love Them

Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) wondered, “I mean seriously, they are just breasts. Every second person in the world has them.” Exactly, every second person in the world has them.

The Best Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss is a subject that will continue to be a front burner issue in our present day world because of the kind of lifestyles and activities we are involved in on a daily basis. Modern living exposes you to a wide variety of unhealthy diets and puts you in a state where exercise is limited. To regain your life you just have to break out from the rat race and learn to live a life that is healthy. You can accomplish that with the few tips you will find in the article below.

Adult Nocturnal Enuresis (Adult Night Urination)

Adult Nocturnal Enuresis, also known as Adult Bedwetting, is a condition where an adult involuntarily passes urine during sleep. It is often thought to be embarrassing and rarely brought u voluntarily by patients.

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