Shoulder Arthroscopy

Shoulder Arthroscopy: Arthroscopy, or Minimally Invasive “keyhole” surgery, allows the surgeon to look into the shoulder joint, make an exact diagnosis, and treat the condition with an operation that requires very small skin cuts. We use specially made instruments that fit through the small skin incisions and we visualize the shoulder using a camera. Because this technique disturbs the shoulder joint less than open surgery, the hospital stay is shorter and the recovery smoother than with “open surgery”.

Why Nutritional Supplement?

For the past 50 years or more, the public has been led to believe that RDA nutrients level are adequate. But is it adequate to prevent clinically obvious nutritional deficiencies. What is RDA?

Plastic and Its Effect on Our Health

Plastic is everywhere. It not only has a significant impact on our health, but also on the environment. Using plastic in our everyday life can disrupt our endocrine systems leading to a whole host of problems for the body.

Blood Analysis Forensics – Why They Are Needed

Blood analysis, laboratory examination of a sample of blood used to obtain information about its physical and chemical properties. Blood analysis is commonly carried out on a sample of blood drawn from the vein of the arm, the finger, or the earlobe; in some cases, the blood cells of the bone marrow may also be examined. Hundreds of hematological tests and procedures have been developed, and many can be carried out simultaneously on one sample of blood with such instruments as autoanalyzers.

Learn the Latest Advancements in Nanoscience With a Nanotechnology Journal

Nanotechnology is almost a new branch of science that involves the use of properties of matter at the nanoscale. The basis of nanotechnology lies in the fact that the qualities of an element or compound can be handled easily when it endures in its nanoform (diameter of 1-100nm). Nano technology journals are an immense corpus of Nanotechnology related information; they highlight cutting-edge advancements in nanotechnology and its applications in micro-fabrication, nano-medicine, nano-electronics, nano-engineering, and molecular biology.

Appendix Surgery in Delhi

Appendicitis is diagnosed by Blood tests: There is an increase in WBC count. Urine test to rule out urinary tract infection. Stool test X-Ray of the abdomen: The inflammated appendix may not be visible in the X-Ray, but if it has ruptured, then gas may be seen. Ultrasound of the abdomen: A swollen appendix and pus around a ruptured appendix may be seen in an ultrasound. CT Scan MRI: This may be used in children and pregnant women.

All You Need to Know About HIV

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, which belongs to the lentivirus family. This retrovirus has RNA as genetic material. It transcribes DNA, which is a complimentary copy of RNA when it enters into the cell.

Introduction to Beta Glucans

Beta-glucan is one the list of sugar compounds that can be found in algae, fungi, yeast, bacteria, and some types of plants, such as barley and oats. In this article, we are going to get a deeper insight into these compounds. Apart from this, we are also going to talk about some good sources of these compounds.

Complete Overview of Hepatitis B and How to Treat It

It is a viral infection caused by the hepatitis B virus that attacks the human body’s liver. This virus has been present in the world since the Bronze Age. Its evidence was found in 4,500-year-old human remains.

Accuracy in Blood Pressure Machines

The heart is the main organ for supplying blood to all the organs of the body. It pumps blood into the blood vessels with a single beat, which creates pressure on their walls. This is called blood pressure.

HIV: One Of The Most Dangerous Viruses That Exists

Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV is considered one of the most dangerous viruses in today’s world. It has been continuously taking lives and destroying the immune system of the people it affects. Once a person has contracted HIV, it will remain there for life and there is no treatment.

Tips For A Safe And Successful Healthcare Strength Training Program

Strength or resistance training challenges your muscles with a stronger-than-usual counterforce, such as pushing against a wall or lifting a dumbbell, or pulling on a resistance band.Using progressively heavier weights or increasing resistance makes muscles stronger especially if the purpose is about healthcare training. This kind of exercise for healthcare trainers and students increases muscle mass, tones muscles, and strengthens bones

Hepatitis B: Another Viral Disease With Increased Rates Around The World

Hepatitis B is a viral disease caused by a virus termed as HBV or Hepatitis B Virus. It is spread through the exchange of fluids present in the human body like semen, blood, etc. It spreads like an infection in the liver and is quite harmful to the body.

HIV: Symptoms and Medication

Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV is a type of virus that dangerously attacks the body’s immune system. If HIV does not get any proper treatment, it can also lead to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or AIDS, which currently has no cure. If anyone is infected with HIV, then that person will carry the disease for his entire life.

Is Cancer Really That Hard To Treat?

Cancer is really hard to treat, but the question is, why? This is because of many factors and includes many diseases. Therefore, in short, cancer treatment is so hard because of the presence of so many underlying groups of diseases.

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