Cooking some chicken for the week

Natural Hay Fever Treatments And Preventions Individuals Need To Know

Preventing allergies is important to avoid issues that can affect your health. Luckily, there are natural ways that can help you.

5 Simple Steps to Mindful Eating

MINDFUL EATING is not a diet. It’s a conscious way of eating and enjoying food for both good health and pleasure.

Health Information Available Online

One of our biggest concerns is our health. The internet has become a burgeoning source of health related information. Any query we have related to our health or somebody else’s whether it is age specific, country or climate specific, information is available on the internet. Many general practitioners discourage us laymen from poring over available material on the net for our aches and pains, as they tell us that half knowledge can be dangerous! But is it really half-knowledge? The internet gives reams and reams of information about every disease known to man.

What I Hate About The Fitness Industry – And What’s the Best Form of Exercise for You

There’s one thing I can’t stand about the fitness industry: It’s full of bitches. (Ironically, I’m now going off on a bitch – ha! Hey, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

7 Ways to Lower Your Carbohydrate Intake

A low-carb diet can have many health benefits. It can help keep weight down and lowers the chance of developing illnesses such as diabetes. However, it can be easier said than done. Try following our 7 easy ways to keep carbohydrates in your diet to a minimum.

The Top 5 Areas Chiropractic Care Benefits

Chiropractic can be defined as a discipline in health care that revolves more on inherent recuperative body power to allow it heal on its own without the need to use surgery or drugs. It focuses on the relationship between spine structure and function of the nervous system and how it affects the restoration and preservation of health. Chiropractors offer varying solutions depending on the health issue at hand to aid the most natural healing possible. This is indeed a treatment option that has become very popular mainly because of the various benefits it comes packed with.

9 Health Benefits of Ashwagandha the Super Adaptogen

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, which is a medicinal herb that helps the body adapt to stress and exerts a normalizing effect upon bodily functions. Ashwagandha means horse’s smell in Sanskrit; the reference meaning, horse like attributes of physical strength and endurance. Ashwagandha has a surprising number of health promoting benefits and there have been over 200 studies documenting these numerous benefits.

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Need To Count Calories

Since the 1970’s and to this very day the conservative message has been that you need to eat less and move more, or simply that you must expend more calories than you consume. There is five problems with this advice. All the blame and responsibility is laid squarely at your feet. So it’s all your fault that you are overweight, this allows government and medical authorities to be proud of their sad efforts. Sticking to this same tired old line for over 40 years is just laziness and ineptitude. Unless you have a laboratory at your disposal it is very difficult to count calories accurately within about 300 per day. Plus counting calories will not only do your head in but it will make you a social bore. Not only that you will stop enjoying food and meal times may become stressful.

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