Beyond meat = less protein

Is Looking Fat Now the Latest Trend?

Governments throughout the world are concerned about how much of humanity are now large or even obese members of society. Why has this come about? The way of life today has discouraged home cooking and encouraged the establishing of so many fast food outlets. Through this phenomenon it is so easy to stop and buy a take-out meal either for lunch or to take home with you after work.

Stop Body Hate: Seven Mindset Qualities to Love Your Body

Body hate is a nasty consequence of rising popularity of a fitness lifestyle. As much as fitness is about changing our body in positive ways via exercise and diet, it rarely involves exercising our mind to treat our body right. Even the whole idea of going to the gym often begins with a thought that there is something wrong with our body. Suppressing, avoiding, or exacerbating, we all are dealing with our body hate in many unhealthy ways. To start making peace with our body requires these seven mindset characteristics that can be trained.

5 Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut food is on the list of foods that fall under the category of superfood. The oil offers a lot of benefits, such as improved brain function, weight loss and a lot of other skin health benefits. Here are 5 major benefits of the product for you if you are going to use it for losing weight.

Scientists Developed Fertilized Eggs From Mouse Stem Cells

Japanese reproductive biologist, Katsuhiko Hayashi at the Kyushu University in Fukuoka, headed the research that published its findings in the journal known as ‘Nature’ on how they had been able to produce mouse eggs from mouse stem cells under laboratory conditions and then pushed the eggs towards fertilisation, yielding a fertile offspring as the end result. This is usually a territory that scientists tread with utmost caution.

Malaria-In-A-Dish Paves the Way for Better Treatments

A new method to examine potential antimalarial drugs and vaccines possessing the potential to treat the liver stage of malaria infection has been engineered by a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) using human liver cells, derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. Malarial infection caused approximately 500,000 deaths globally every year. This innovative methodology could possibly present fresh prospects for customized antimalarial drug testing and the progress of tailor made medication to fight the condition.

Free Yourself of Envy and Malice, It Could Kill You

Our physical well-being goes way beyond just working out and eating right. Temperament is another major factor that has a great impact on a person’s physical health.

Learning A Few Healthy Eating Tips For Kids From Health Experts

It can be really hard for some parents to get their kids to eat healthy. It is one big challenge, especially when the kids start going to school and they see the variety of tasty junk foods that their classmates consume. But with careful planning and creativity, you can effectively maintain your child’s good diet even if there are all sorts of temptations around them.

How to Control Stress Eating

Do you reach for a bag of chips or a bowl of ice cream when you feel anxious or depressed? Here’s why stress eating is so hard to resist – and how you can conquer this bad habit.

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