BEST Vegan Boxed Mac & Cheese, Chocolates &more | VEGAN CHEAT DAY & TASTE TEST (What I Ate in a Day)

Computer Assisted Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement is now done with the most advanced computer navigation by best orthopaedic surgeons at affordable cost. Computer assisted surgery is a revolutionary medical technology which offers surgeons the proficiency to operate with advanced visualization resulting in better outcomes in surgical procedures.

Three Reasons Why Well Check-Ups Are An Important Aspect Of Child Health Care

Regular check-ups are a crucial aspect of overall child heath care. They are important for assessing growth and development and because doctors will check for illnesses that do not otherwise produce the symptoms to inspire a sick visit. For these reasons, you should schedule a well visit for each child annually.

Are You Eating for Your Health or Your Booty?

Let’s face it, many of us eat mainly for our appearance, while our health is way down on the list. Or perhaps when it comes to eating, health is a genuine priority for you, but your appearance is nevertheless your top priority. But what if eating for your booty were actually the problem?

How to Avoid Weight Gain in Hard Times

When you experience those “chaotic-stressful-heartbreaking-discombobulated” moments in life, you may find yourself mindlessly two-fisting junk food. And in the days following, it may be way too easy to “feel fat” or say, “Damn, I’m lookin’ rough.” However counterintuitive it may be, it’s important to take the focus off your body, because it’s really not about the extra pounds you may pack on; it’s about your experience in life at any given moment.

5 Rules for a Healthier Life

Five rules that will help you live a healthier, happier life. If you implement these rules, I can promise you that you will lose weight and become the healthiest you have ever been!

Change Your Ecology, Change Your Body

Most of us have likely tried to release weight by restricting our eating in one way or another. Perhaps you’ve reduced calories, cut carbs, or exercised like a fiend. The challenge with this approach is that it can often make you feel as though you’re walking a tightrope, always teetering on the edge of failure.

Can Plagiocephaly Be Treated in Adults?

Plagiocephaly can be treated in infancy using a specially made helmet. But can plagiocephaly be treated in adults and older children? Find out here…

10 Most Common Causes of Death In The US

Things such as shooting deaths make the headlines quite often these days, and spark a lot of very heated, sometimes even rabid, debate that boils down to, “somebody ought to do something”. Yet, at the same time there are many more deaths which nobody, including the responsible individuals, are doing anything about.

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