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Sibling Rivalry In Sports

Chances are that if you have more than one child, particularly if they are of the same gender, you have experienced a certain amount of rivalry between them. Some of this competition stems from academic prowess, some due to differences in social aptitude and oft times it results from differences in physical ability.

Drink More Water and Start Losing That Extra Weight

Who hasn’t heard the idea that drinking water can contribute to you diminishing your weight? Much more than usual! But is this affirmation true?

What Is Bursitis and 5 Tips To Prevent Bursitis

Bursitis is a painful medical condition that may affect people of all ages. It is a type of bodily inflammation that may occur in many different areas of the body including hip bursitis, shoulder, elbow and knee. While it isn’t always possible to prevent bursitis, there are some things you can try to do to reduce your risk. Read this article for 5 tips to prevent bursitis.

Understanding The Structure Of The Spine and Why Problems Occur

The spine is a complicated and wonderful part of our body that is essential for every other part to function smoothly. It is necessary to understand the basic working of our spine so that we know how to detect any problem and get it checked. Since spinal problems are common as we start to age, it is important to take care of our spine and get it treated properly.


Advantages Of Having X-Ray Labs And EKG On-Site

Getting your routine medical tests and X-rays can be a long drawn out process which will make you miss a lot of work and waste a lot of time. For those who have an emergency and need immediate tests to be conducted, waiting for hours in the emergency room of a hospital can be a nightmare. An on-site treatment facility allows you to visit a single place where you can have all your blood tests, labs, x-rays and even your EKG taken at one location. This means that you skip all the waiting time and get all the work done in a single place

8 Reasons To See A Cardiologist ASAP

Heart issues are nothing to play around with. Here are the most common reasons to see a cardiologist ASAP.

Why Unhealthy Foods in the Office Is Lowering Staff Productivity and Potentially Company Profits

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $9 billion dollars in workplace productivity is lost per year due to poor nutrition, resulting in conditions such as heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. This is alarming considering this can be easily prevented.

This Is The Plan To a Healthy Lifestyle!

We all live extremely fast paced lives with little or no time to think or consider our health could be affected by it. For years we eat and do what we like, most of the time we are totally oblivious of what is going on around us. One day when those dark clouds appear on the horizon we may start to wonder, why are they coming closer and encircling me? Last time I could see only blue skies, yet everything has changed today and is different. Nobody is safe from the poisonous environment around us, such as fumes of car engines, or that lovely interior smell of a new car, smog, unhealthy mattresses, greasy fast foods and easy-to-make processed foods that have become such a concern of our lives today.

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