10-Minute Full-Body Yoga Stretch to Help You Feel Rejuvenated | POPSUGAR Fitness

5 Tips For Teenagers To Grow Taller Naturally

This article is for those teenagers who would like to boost their height growth. We discuss 5 important things teenagers should be mindful of in order to experience proper height growth.


Health Tip – Planting “SSEEDs” for Healthy Adolescents

If you think your child isn’t listening to you, think again. During the adolescent period from age 10 through 26, the College of Medicine’s Dr. Lisa Barkley*, says parents have a tremendous opportunity to plant the “SSEED” for healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Emotional Infections – Do You Have One or Are You Passing One On?

You no doubt know that you can ‘catch’ an infection such as a cold or flu from someone else. But did you know you can also ‘catch’ an emotional infection from someone? Here’s how to know if that’s going on and what you can do about it.

Using Tomatoes Inside and Out for Better Health All Around

Tomatoes are beneficial to the inside and outside of your body. Learn how you can benefit by eating them and then using them on your skin.

If You Look Good, You Feel Good

“If you look good, you feel good.” – Deion Sanders. Everyone has heard this quote at least one time in their life, and no matter how simple or irrelevant that it may seem, I’ve found that it is absolutely true. Three of my grandparents died of cancer and my father and grandmother have had cancer scares and both currently have diabetes and blood pressure issues, so it’s clear that bad health issues runs in my family.

Optimise Your Body Type

Our “body type” not only describes the way we look, it also tells us about hormonal traits, the system in our bodies that constricts blood vessels, raises blood pressure and accelerates heart rate as well as lets us know how each of us react to the food we eat. Features of our body structure are linked to differences in our metabolism.

Health Issues of Indigenous Australians – A Modern Day Tragedy

For many years I have wanted to write about the health status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in modern Australia and what we, as a society, can, should and have not done to remedy the health problems a modern lifestyle has brought upon the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations. Many of my readers will not be aware that I have Aboriginal ancestry. I can trace my lineage back to the Drew mob, a very prominent Dhungutti family in the Macleay River region, around what is now Kempsey in New South Wales, from the early 1800’s.

What Can You Get From A Functional Pathology Testing

Before determining one’s complete health status, several tests typically need to be performed; among these tests is functional pathology testing (which is actually, in itself, a collection of tests); this is an integral process in assessing the current state of the body’s organ and biochemical functioning, as well as nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. It covers a wide range of variables that determine the body’s natural inclinations with regard to its healthy development. The determination of the current health status is not the only benefit derived from functional pathology testing, though; it also presents reliable information on how the…

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