10-Minute Beginner’s HIIT Routine to Kick-Start Your Day | POPSUGAR Fitness

What Is This Hype About HGH or Human Growth Hormone?

This article tackles the important issues on HGH. Some positive and negative effects have also been cited.

What Happens in Vagus Doesn’t Stay in Vagus (Vegas)

Have you ever wondered if stress at work really can cause you to become sick? The American Psychological Association (APA) says, “Absolutely!

Clinical Trials – What You Need to Know

Thousands of people take part in clinical trails for a variety of reasons every day. Some are looking for ways to manage their disease and get medications before they are released onto to the market, others are just hoping to make a difference and offer their time and body to enable researchers to come up with new medications, surgical procedures and more that can help those that need treatments that work.

Food and Emotion

Over the past ten years, I have had the honour of helping hundreds of men and women develop new healthy habits and improve their lives. When it comes to losing weight, improving performance or simply feeling better, improving the way we eat can be a great place to start. When I started, I thought nutrition was pretty simple: I could write up nutrition plans to achieve goals, or make simple swaps to effortlessly cut calories and increase satiety.

How to Properly Use a Health Food Store

Health food stores are popular but not everyone knows how to use these gems. A little advance knowledge could come in handy when buying supplements.

Top 7 Reasons To Use Botox To Look Younger!

You work hard at the gym almost every day to stay in shape, even after giving birth to your second or third child; you make sure that you keep some amount of money separately for the sake of buying cosmetics and other such stuff to hide your ‘aging process’; you go to office and try to earn as much as you can so that you can buy different clothes for yourself to look beautiful or ‘hot’ on the streets. However, there’s something for which you can’t do anything all by yourself and that is those wrinkles that depict your true age.

Top 7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of High Cholesterol!

You have suddenly started finding it difficult to walk for more than fifteen minutes; whenever you climb up the stairs, you start perspiring or fighting for air; you have not been spending sufficient time on working out for the sake of your body; you have absolutely no control on your diet and there’s nothing that you can do to get rid of the growing fats of your body, because you have to spend more than nine hours at the office, sitting right in front of the computer screen to work. If you are going through the above mentioned…

5 Reasons to Use Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles

I know how difficult it is to control the pain ‘down there’ when you have piles. Some people make fun of such health related issues, but they don’t know the seriousness of the same. No matter what you do or how hard you try, it is not very easy to get rid of this problem. Piles can make you go through nightmares, especially when you want to have a ‘clean’ stomach, but are unable to do so. Moreover, you end up being frustrated, irritated and even depressed when you have piles.

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