10 HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS TIPS | mind & body transformation

The Affordable Care Act’s Senior Care Benefits: Dispelling Common Myths

If there’s one nearly-universal truth about Obamacare — the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — it’s that misinformation about it abounds, and most people don’t actually understand what it is doing for them at all. Let’s take a bit of time today to specifically dispel some tenacious myths about how the ACA is going to affect elderly Medicare recipients.

The Affordable Care Act’s Senior Care Benefits: Nursing Home Consumer Protection

In addition to providing a significant amount of insight into the quality of nursing homes around the country, the Affordable Care Act (‘Obamacare’) also gives seniors a significant amount of protection from nursing home abuse…

The Affordable Care Act’s Senior Care Benefits: Medicare Parts B and C

Obamacare — the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (‘ACA’) — has done a huge amount to improve senior care across the country, much of it through the expansion and modification of Medicare. Among the many changes: the improvement to the efficiency and effectiveness of Medicare has kept the Medicare Part B monthly premiums down. In 2013, the premium was lower than analysts predicted — a mere $104.97; in 2014, it stayed $104.97.

Services Provided by Your Primary Care Physician

A primary care physician can provide assistance in a variety of areas. Explore the different services you can receive from a doctor with this specialty.

7 Specialized Fields In Pediatrics

Specialties in pediatrics serve infants and children with conditions more serious than everyday illnesses, such as heart problems, lung problems, cancer, and much more. Doctors must understand the special needs of their patients, as well as their families.

Health Conditions Chiropractors Can Address

Chiropractic therapies can provide amazing benefits for individuals. By choosing the right chiropractic treatment, you can deal with health conditions naturally.

Have You Ever Wondered What CrossFit Is Exactly?

What is CrossFit? Can I do it? Is it safe? These are just a few questions people ask when they hear the word CrossFit.

SENIORS: Mind and Body Cease Functioning, When Romance Ceases

Research reveals the health benefits and importance of senior romance. Find out how to optimize your mind and body through sex. Does this mean that romance intensifies happiness and prolong life?

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